About us

How we work

At Globalonly, we collaborate in small groups of people who have expertise that complements the team. We are active in a demanding 24/7 environment. The atmosphere is highly informal, yet professional. We communicate openly, directly and honestly. We challenge, stimulate and support each other continuously in order to enhance our ability to deliver the highest quality of service to our clients.

Our mission is the support of teams through global team systems and global team training. We do this in order to enhance their ability to collaborate more effectively and effortlessly with people at any given time and anywhere around the world. We are devoted to honing our personal skills in this inspiring field of expertise as insights and technology evolve, and we are committed to sharing our knowledge with everyone to the best of our ability and with the sincerest intentions.


"Globalonly is a valuable partner to our internationally-oriented, hi-tech company. It provides us with a cutting-edge vision on global collaboration and with accessible, reliable technical services."

Our skills

Our stats

1995 is the year that we were founded

Over 150 Happy Clients since then

Build more then 250 IT Environments

Developed more then 300 Web Environments

Trained more then 50 Teams wordwide

Globalonly, Acaciatraat 15, 6523 DK Nijmegen, The Netherlands | +31-24-3482028 | info@globalonly.com | remote support